Carbon retirements

When a business or individual chooses to compensate their emissions with carbon credits, the credits must be permanently removed from circulation. The process of retiring – and irrevocably removing from circulation – tokenized carbon credits can be done through the Toucan app UI or programmatically.

Only TCO2 tokens can be retired on Toucan. Carbon reference tokens must be redeemed for underlying TCO2 tokens. Retirements performed on Toucan will be synced with the Puro registry.

Developers looking to perform retirements using code should refer to our technical docs ->

Guide to retirement through Toucan's app UI

  1. Your TCO2 tokens will appear in the ‘Toucan CO2 Tokens’ (TCO2) section of the dashboard at .

  1. Click ‘Retire’, select how many you would like to offset, then click "Continue".

  1. Add relevant information:

    1. The name / organization performing the retirement

    2. The wallet address on who’s behalf this retirement is for, if available

    3. The name of the individual or organization on who’s behalf this retirement is for

    4. Add a message to your retirement transaction (e.g. a reason; max. 200 characters)

  2. Celebrate! 💃

You can use Celoscan and Polygonscan to check the status of your transactions throughout this process — search for your wallet address and examine recent transactions.

Last updated