Error codes
We use custom error codes (not to be confused with Solidity custom errors) in our pool contracts to keep the size of the contracts as small as possible.
Below you can find the existing error codes and a description for each one.
Error code | Description |
1 | User is not authorized |
2 | Empty array provided as input |
3 | Pool is full of TCO2s |
4 | ERC20 is blacklisted in the pool. This error is returned for TCO2s that have been blacklisted like the HFC-23 project |
5 | ERC20 is not whitelisted in the pool. This error is returned in case the ERC20 is not a TCO2 in which case it has to be manually whitelisted in order to be allowed in the pool |
6 | Vintage start time of a TCO2 is too old |
7 | Region is not accepted in the pool |
8 | Standard is not accepted in the pool |
9 | Methodology is not accepted in the pool |
10 | Provided fee is invalid, not in a basis points format: [0,10000) |
11 | Provided address needs to be non-zero |
12 | Validation check to ensure array lengths match |
13 | TCO2 not exempted from redeem fees |
14 | The pool is paused |
15 | Redemption transaction has leftover unredeemed value. All value needs to be redeemed in order for the transaction to be successfull |
16 | Redemption exceeds deposited TCO2 supply |
17 | User must be a router |
18 | User must be the pool owner |
19 | Zero destination address is invalid for pool token transfers |
20 | Self destination address is invalid for pool token transfers |
21 | Zero amount provided as an input (eg., in redemptions) in invalid |
22 | ERC20 is not eligible to be pooled |
23 | Carbon registry is already supported in COB |
24 | The caller is not granted the VERIFIER_ROLE in COB |
25 | The caller does not own the provided batch |
26 | The caller is not a valid batch owner (not a TCO2 contract or verifier) |
27 | The batch is not in Confirmed status |
28 | The batch is not in a requested status (DetokenizationRequested or RetirementRequested) |
29 | The batch does not exist |
30 | The batch has an invalid status based on the action requested |
31 | The batch is missing an associated project vintage |
32 | The serial number in the batch is already approved |
33 | The batch is not in Pending status |
34 | The batch is already fractionalized |
35 | The batch is not in Rejected status |
36 | The project vintage is already set in the batch |
37 | The transfer is not approved |
38 | The COB contract is paused |
39 | The caller is invalid |
40 | The TCO2 for the batch is not found |
41 | The registry for the provided vintage is not supported |
42 | No TCO2 was minted as part of tokenization |
43 | Only mints are supported for the batch contract to receive an NFT |
44 | New batch status is invalid |
45 | The TCO2 batch amount has a mismatch |
46 | The TCO2 batch amount approval has failed |
47 | The TCO2 batch not confirmed |
48 | The TCO2 batch not whitelisted |
49 | The TCO2 is non matching NFT |
50 | The TCO2 Quantity in batch is higher than total vintages |
51 | The fee to be charged is too high |
52 | The max fee to be paid is invalid |
53 | The pool feature is not supported |
54 | The TCO2 decimals provided to retirement or detokenization requests are invalid |
55 | The TCO2 quantity in the batch is invalid |
56 | Splitting is required on detokenization/retirement finalization, but 2 new serial numbers were not provided |
57 | The score set for the ERC-1155 token in the pool is invalid |
58 | The score of the ERC-1155 token in the pool is not set |
59 | The underlying decimals are too high for the pool |
60 | The provided supply cap is invalid and should match the underlying token decimals, eg, for an ERC-1155 token whose smallest denomination is tonnes, the pool supply cap should not include decimals of lower fidelity than tonnes |
Last updated